People often ask whether they can pay income tax using credit card. It happens many times that when the tax payment due date arrives, then people face liquidity problem and due to non-availability of cash in their Bank Account, they find it very difficult to deposit the income tax on time. Now when the Government has provided the facility where you can pay your income tax using credit card and ensure timely payment of income tax to avoid any further interest, penalty and other consequences of non-compliance under the Income Tax Act.

Apart from the above question, other frequently asked questions in this regard are listed below:

  • Can Income Tax be paid by credit card in India?
  • How to pay Advance Tax using Credit Card?

Earlier Income Tax payment was possible only through the Net Banking, UPI and Debit Cards. With a view to encourage the cashless transactions, Government has now decided to allow the payment of Income Tax through Credit Cards also.  Now you can pay your income tax using credit card.

How To Pay Income Tax Online ?


To pay taxes online, login to > Services > e-payment : Pay Taxes Online or click here on the tab “e-pay taxes” provided on the said website. Provide proper link of e-payment


Select the relevant challan i.e. ITNS 280, ITNS 281, ITNS 282, ITNS 283, ITNS 284 or Form 26 QB demand payment (only for TDS on sale of property) as applicable.


Enter PAN / TAN (as applicable) and other mandatory challan details like accounting head under which payment is made, address of the tax payer and the bank through which payment is to be made etc.


On submission of data entered, a confirmation screen will be displayed. If PAN / TAN is valid as per the ITD PAN / TAN master, then the full name of the taxpayer as per the master will be displayed on the confirmation screen.


On confirmation of the data so entered, the taxpayer will be directed to the net-banking site of the bank.


The taxpayer has to login to the net-banking site with the user id / password provided by the bank for net-banking purpose and enter payment details at the bank site.


On successful payment a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment being made.

Which Challan No. is used for payment of Income Tax ?

Challan No. ITNS 280 is used for Payment of Advance tax, Self-Assessment tax, Tax on Regular Assessment, Surtax, Tax on Distributed Profits of Domestic Company and Tax on Distributed income to unit holders. This is the most commonly used Challan for payment of different types of Income Taxes. For other types of payments separate challans have been prescribed as mentioned in Step-2 of this article above.

Is there any website link for making the Income Tax Payment through Credit Card?

For making online payment of income tax through Credit Card or any other payment mode, you can visit the following authorised link of the Income Tax Department. On the payment page, just use the “Payment Gateway” option for making the income tax payment by credit card.

Please remember, you may have to pay some nominal charges for paying the income tax by using the credit card. If you do not want to pay these nominal charges then you can pay your income tax by using Net Banking, Debit Card or UPI modes of payment.

Direct Website Link for payment of Income Tax:

e-Filing Home Page, Income Tax Department, Government of India

Also Read : How to Earn Tax Free Salary of 20 Lakh ?


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